Cinematographer Jordan Levy Beseeches Young Filmmakers to Respect The Process.

My friend Jordan Levy is a great cinematographer, always in demand.  He’s been busy shooting comedy spots, high fashion, luxury cars and Comedy Central’s The Jeselnik Offensive.  He claims comedy is harder to shoot than fashion. Who knew?

Find out who’s a bigger diva: Oprah or Snoop Dog?  This episode settles into a very technical talk: Angénieux zoom lenses, Kubrick primes and custom-made Russian lenses. We talk RED Camera vs. Arri Alexa vs. 5D. Jordan has mastered them all, so hear his opinion.  With 35mm film going bye-bye, how does that effect the cinematographer’s control of the look?  Jordan tells how he maintains influence.

We end the chat with Jordan stressing the importance of respecting both the process & everyone’s role on set.  Especially you young filmmakers! Listen up, whippersnappers.

Watch this trippy music video Jordan shot for Snoop Lion and Miley Cirus. How much of this is in-camera? Did Miley behave? Can we call him Snoop Dog again please? Answers revealed in the podcast.

Click here for more of Jordan’s work.  Please rate us on the iTunes.  I’ve also started a Facebook page, so comment.