How To Get From Production Assistant To Working Filmmaker With Andrew Furtado.


You recognize Andrew Furtado‘s name as the editor my documentary “I Am Road Comic”. He started out as a production assistant, but now directs his own projects and edits films like Clive Baker’s “Nightbreed: The Director’s Cut”. He also produced, directed & edited comedian Kyle Kinane’s hilarious special.

We talk self-discipline, how to avoid being set to stop traffic when you’re a PA and want to hang at the monitor, and more. Be sure to check out Andrew’s terrific podcast “Now Streaming Podcast” all about what’s on and soon to be off of Netflix. Enjoy this trailer/music video for “Nightbreed” he cut.

Here’s the link to “A Ballerina’s Tale” that I highly recommend during the intro of this show.

My next Commercial Directing Bootcamp will be in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, December 19th, 2015 – so sign up for Commercial Directing Bootcamp today! Read the reviews on this site. Pretty flattering. #blush.



This episode is 85 minutes, give or take, of our banter. Please like the show on iTunes.

My Chat With The Incomparable Comedy Director Mike Bigelow.

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Commercial helmer Mike Bigelow started out as a motion animator and VFX technical director working on prestigious films like “The Abyss” and “Total Recall” before directing hundreds of commercials. We chat about our mutual love of doing as much in camera as possible, how comedy plays best in a wider shot, and we engage in a little tech talk. Mike is a gentleman and his sly humor makes for a great listen. Enjoy & share with a loved one.

Here’s one of Mike’s spots for National Car Renal that we discuss:
And here’s the Adidas “Streak” we discuss too:

My next Commercial Directing Bootcamp will be in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, December 19th, 2015 – so sign up for Commercial Directing Bootcamp today! Read the reviews on this site. Pretty flattering. #blush.



This episode is 75 fun-filled minutes, give or take. Please like the show on iTunes.

How To Have A Blossoming Director-Cinematographer Relationship w DP Mateo Londono.


For the last 10 years or so, Cinematographer Mateo Londono and I have made dozens of great spots together. Sometimes, we barely talk on set, and instead smile in agreement. After all, we’ve worked everything out ahead of time, so the shoot day is about executing that plan, and I am free to focus on performances while Mateo captures it.

We talk about how style is informed by the creative, of course. And as Mateo has a feature career, we discuss the differences between shooting movies and commercials. Basically, this is another fun chat between two old friends, and I promise you’ll enjoy it.

Do try Rufus Teague’s sauces for your meat. With BBQ season here, it’s time you step it up. Click and enter the discount code “Respect”.
Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about 77 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Bobcat Goldthwait Returns With Barry Crimmins’ Documentary “Call Me Lucky”.


Writer/Director/Comedian Bobcat Goldthwait returns to the podcast with legendary Boston comedian Barry Crimmins to talk about their beautiful, haunting and healing documentary “Call Me Lucky”. The film opens August 7th and you need to see it.

We talk about their decades-long friendship and the responsibility Barry felt to speak out against child sexual abuse, after dealing with his being raped repeatedly as a child.

Bobcat presents a loving case study of a man determined to speak up against the most heinous of crimes. The film is passionately compelling and sparks real conversations. Please see it and share the message.

Here’s the trailer for “Call Me Lucky”.

Thank you,


This episode is just 40 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please. Email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today. And I’m still accepting candidates for my Commercial Directing Bootcamp. You owe it to yourself.

Storytelling Rules From 100 Years of Cinema with Cinematographer Don Starnes.


I overheard Don Starnes talking on the cellphone outside a Starbucks. Afterwards, I asked if he was in filmmaking, cuz he gave off that stench. We struck up a conversation, which made it a must to have Don on the show. This episode is heavy on cinema theory, the process, tech talk and gets as specific as what motivates a shot. My favorite rule is “all questions will be answered by the story.” Check out Don’s work as both Director and DP here and share this engaging chat.

Only a few slots open for my Commercial Directing Bootcamp is filling up fast. Hurry and sign up. It’s Sunday, September 13th all day. You’ll up your game.

Thank you,


This episode is over an hour and twenty minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please. Email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today. And I’m still accepting 5 more candidates for my Commercial Directing Bootcamp. You owe it to yourself.

How A Director And Producer Work Together With Producer Rick Cowan.

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One of my favorite Line Producers and people is Rick Cowan. He’s produced many spots that I’ve directed and he’s always provided everything needed and more. He’s one of the most knowledgable filmmakers out there, having made three feature films as well. Two of the them have made it to the Sundance Film Festival.

Rick was there on set when I started using the term “Respect The Process” repeatedly, and we spend a great deal of this chat discussing how a director can work with her line producer to get the most bang for the buck. I consider Rick a dear friend and trusted ally in my filmmaking journey. This is a great episode to share with a friend.

Only a few slots open for my Commercial Directing Bootcamp is filling up fast. Hurry and sign up. It’s Sunday, September 13th all day. You’ll up your game.

Thank you,


This episode is just over an hour. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please. Email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today. And I’m still accepting candidates for my Commercial Directing Bootcamp. You owe it to yourself.

Director Carolyn Chen Brings Production To The People.


Director Carolyn Chen has shot hundreds of commercials, always delivering a strong emotional journey, supported by her stunning visuals. Ever-evolving, she’s stayed relevant in a business that loves the flavor of the week. When I discovered her new production company, Production For The People, I had to chat with her. Carolyn has brought her vision, style and experience to the brave new world of Branded Content.

We chat about working with editors, her start as a cinematographer, running a shoot via FaceTime and more. Check out one of her many stories for Tanqueray:

Do try Rufus Teague’s sauces for your meat. With BBQ season here, it’s time you step it up. Click and enter the discount code “Respect”.
Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about 86 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Shooting Actors Versus Table Top Photography With Cinematographer Jeanne Vienne.


Cinematographer Jeanne Vienne is a longtime filmmaking partner. We’ve made literally dozens of commercials, two documentaries and traveled three continents together. I admire how she leads her crew with decisiveness and articulate instruction. Jeanne tells how she lights to protect the actors.

Of late, she’s been shooting mouth-watering table top gigs, so we compare working with fruits and veggies versus actors. We also chat about the trends in cinematography we’ve seen over our years together. And with all the talk about gender inequality in the biz, I could not escape asking how it is being a girl in a predominantly boy’s club.

We reference this fun spot we did for Toyota, and click here to witness Jeanne’s amazing table top spot she shot for Håagen-Dazs with Directors Margaret & Joy.

Do try Rufus Teague’s sauces for your meat. With BBQ season here, it’s time you step it up. Click and enter the discount code “Respect”.
Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about 70 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

New Tricks And Old Fashion Discipline with Cinematographer Alex Jacobs.

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Cinematographer Alex Jacobs may be the last director of photography I’ve ever met that learned while shooting actual 35mm film. A young man, he knows all the tricks of the DSLR revolution, but came up through the ranks with the discipline of the camera department. Ours was an arranged marriage on a promo shoot with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart, in which we had 35 minutes to shoot. Through planning and communication, the shoot was amazingly efficient and funny.

Check out his reel at I like his splendid montage with the dope track.

Here’s the on-air version of our collab.

Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about 70 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Director Joe Wladyka Shares How His Film “Manos Sucias” Got Made And Why Spike Lee’s Gotta Have It.


Director Joe Wladyka has an engaging film out called “Manos Sucias”. It’s the suspenseful story of two Columbian brothers on a life or death drug run up the Columbian coast. The film is chalk full of social commentary on Afro-Columbian racism, extreme poverty, the inescapable drug trafficking and even brotherly love, but I love the film because it’s a gripping story about how far people will go to survive. See it now.

Thank you Joe for a great chat, the tech talk and your generosity in sharing the craft of filmmaking with the people of Buenaventura. You’ll hear how he and his filmmaking team taught the locals, and hired a mostly Buenaventurian crew.

Read more about Joe’s journey to make the film by clicking here and enjoy the trailer to “Manos Sucias”:

Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about one hour minutes long. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Filmmaking Tales From Sr. VP/Director of Content Production Tom Gibney, The Buntin Group.


While visiting Nashville, I chatted with Tom Gibney, Sr. VP/Director of Content Production at the Buntin Group. He’s a well-respected industry veteran and a super nice guy. We discuss that while it’s now called “content”, it’s still telling stories for clients. Tom feels ultimately the digital tools have helped the filmmaking process, but not without a price. And Tom’s loyalty to his Nashville filmmakers is admirable; he shoots with local crews when possible.

Tom and I share a childlike wonder for shooting table top, the filmmaking process, as well as the philosophy for new directors to “shoot, shoot, shoot”.

Here’s a cool spot from the Buntin Group for Chinet that we discuss in this episode:

Please send me your feedback and YOUR questions about filmmaking queries to RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is about 68 minutes long. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Four Filmmaking Phenomena With Cinematographer Julian Whatley.


Cinematographer Julian Whatley proudly proclaims he’s never had a bad day at work. He loves filmmaking and attacks every gig with 100% of his heart and soul. Coming up through the ranks of the camera department, learning from masters like Bob Richardson, John Toll and Harris Savides, he carries on the discipline and artistry he was taught. But stresses adaptability. I’m lucky to have Julian as an ally and friend.

Julian arrived at the RTP studios with four pillars for discussion: The Beginner’s Mind, Disintermediation, The Emperor’s new clothes and the Invisible hand. It’s a trippy conversation steeped in wisdom.

Here’s my bootleg cut of an short film we made:

Please send me your feedback and YOUR questions about filmmaking queries to RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is just about over 90 minutes long. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

What The Gaffer Does With Pat Grosswendt.


Veteran Gaffer Pat Grosswendt has taught me so much about lighting during the dozens of commercials we’ve made together. (Click his name for credits from “Cabin Boy” to “Gosford Park” to “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”) Have a listen and you’ll learn the history, the mindset and key technical aspects of being the one on set that shapes the light. Pat gives his take on the changes in the technology, but stresses it’s the story that always effects the lighting approach the most, regardless of the toys. Enjoy his fun tips too, like dumpster diving for diffusion, or use bubble wrap.

Scroll down to see some interviews Pat has done. Did I mention he and his partner invented LitePanels? So much more than a gaffer, he’s a mentor.

Just a few tickets left!! February 10th at 6pm West Coast (9pm East Coast), I’ll be doing my live presentation on being a director of tv commercials. Buy your tickets now for February 10th at 6pm West Coast, “Confessions of a Commercial Filmmaker” on StageIt. Live Q&A. It will sell out.

Pat sharing the knowledge:

A great interview on lighting basics.

Thank you,


This episode is 90 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.

Cinematographer Jordan Levy Beseeches Young Filmmakers to Respect The Process.

My friend Jordan Levy is a great cinematographer, always in demand.  He’s been busy shooting comedy spots, high fashion, luxury cars and Comedy Central’s The Jeselnik Offensive.  He claims comedy is harder to shoot than fashion. Who knew?

Find out who’s a bigger diva: Oprah or Snoop Dog?  This episode settles into a very technical talk: Angénieux zoom lenses, Kubrick primes and custom-made Russian lenses. We talk RED Camera vs. Arri Alexa vs. 5D. Jordan has mastered them all, so hear his opinion.  With 35mm film going bye-bye, how does that effect the cinematographer’s control of the look?  Jordan tells how he maintains influence.

We end the chat with Jordan stressing the importance of respecting both the process & everyone’s role on set.  Especially you young filmmakers! Listen up, whippersnappers.

Watch this trippy music video Jordan shot for Snoop Lion and Miley Cirus. How much of this is in-camera? Did Miley behave? Can we call him Snoop Dog again please? Answers revealed in the podcast.

Click here for more of Jordan’s work.  Please rate us on the iTunes.  I’ve also started a Facebook page, so comment.