What A Digital Imaging Technician Does With D.I.T. Ryan Kunkleman.


Thank you Ryan Kunkleman for explaining the mysterious role of the D.I.T. to me! The Digital Imagining Technician has become a critical member of the filmmaking team since the digital revolution. Ryan is one of the best, having done feature films, television and commercials. Can you say “Captain America: Civil War”? He not only tells us the different approaches to his craft in the various mediums, but he knows the history of the gig too.

Working closely with the cinematographer, the D.I.T. helps set the “look” and keeps the photography on point. Please note, Ryan is also a talented cinematographer himself, so he shares his journey of his illustrious career. Here’s a recent interview with Ryan.

The tech-talk is flowing on this episode, but Ryan makes the knowledge accessible to all filmmakers. Check out this vid and his DP reel:

Please share and enjoy. Not necessarily in that order.



It’s an one chat that I know you’ll find entertaining and informative. Please rate the show on iTunes and share with a filmmaking friend.

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