Top 5 Tips From Casting Director Danielle Eskinazi.

Do actors really need to wear the same outfit to the callback as their first audition? How much should you fawn over the director? Hey agency folks, why did you call everyone back? Casting is always crucial, so working with a deft casting director is a must. Danielle Eskinazi is one of the best. She loves actors, exudes positivity and is always on the lookout for that unexpected way to fill the role. So flattered to chat with my friend about the process. Enjoy and share.

Danielle also has an inspirational app on the iTunes store that is as much for daily motivation as it is audition tips.

I could watch this spot all day… cuz I love shoes:

Click here to see the hilarious Stoney Westmoreland as the O’Charley’s spokespatron.

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