How “I Am Battle Comic” Theatrical Premiere Raised Money For

The World Premiere of “I Am Battle Comic” was a smashing success, thanks to the fine citizens of Detroit. Especially the advertising community, as creatives and producers came out in droves. Huge shout out to Marc Henretta of Jeep, Sterling Doak of Fender and my longtime friend Chuck Meehan of Doner for moderating the Q&A.

Midday the great review came out from the discerning Sean L. McCarthy, aka the comics’ comic. Read it here.

Comedians Tammy Pescatelli and Slade Ham, both in the film, showed up to make for a funny Q&A. We raised well over $4,000 for National Military Family Association, with many donations made on the spot. Way to go Detroit!

Everything about these theatrical events is here on this site. Buy your tickets now. Click here for all screening info.

Thank you,


PS Yes indeed you can pre-order the digital download now for just $10 at if you please!

This episode is 20 minutes.