Top 5 Steps to Make Your Dream Project a Reality.

This episode will surely invigorate your creative juices! My 5 easy steps get your passion project off the couch and onto the screen. Enough already! I was lucky to have a mentor in Al Burton, a crazy, genius producer that taught me his “10 Steps to Success” in show business.  Sadly, I can only remembered three, and so I made up two more of my own. Enjoy and let me know if this helps.

Please rate us on the iTunes.  I’ve also started a Facebook page, so comment.

This is a project comedian Eric Foley and I did for fun. 9 spots by lunch, then we called it a day. 4 spots will play continuously after the ad.

“Harold’s Bad Day” – a short film we made for Slamdance, written by RJ Buckley. Great fun, great cast. Exactly 11 minutes.

Harold’s Bad Day from RJ Buckley on Vimeo.