Deconstructing Doritos: How Comedy Director Kevin T. Willson Won The Super Bowl Contest.

Comedy Director Kevin T. Willson‘s funny Doritos spots not only aired during the Super Bowl several years in a row, but he freakin’ won the whole thing! Yes, one million dollars. He explains the process, how he meticulously wrote and planned it, and how fast he spent the money. I found Kevin to be a kindred spirit as a filmmaker, testing and prepping like a madman. You’ll love this 90 minute episode I pinky promise.

Here’s Kevin’s self-made animatic and then the $1,000,000.00 spot:


Commercial Directing Bootcamp is almost sold out for March 11th, 2017 and I’ll not be doing the Bootcamp for a while. Limit 20 filmmakers.

Everything you need to know about my documentary “I Am Battle Comic” on my site too. Or heck, just pre-buy it at knowing the $$ goes to help military families. Thanks!

From Producing At DDB To Directing Comedy Spots Everywhere With Greg Popp.

Commercial comedy director Greg Popp went from film school to producing classic ads at DDB Chicago, where his work with Anheuser-Busch won literally every major advertising honor. But that directing bug gnawed at him until he said goodbye to the agency side, and now he’s a much sought-after helmer of the funny.

We compare notes on gigs and our process, and swap stories from the trenches of advertising. Enjoy. Click some Greg Popp flavor here. “In the Can” makes me laugh every time.

Bud Light Lime "Can Confessions" from Greg Popp on Vimeo.

Thanks and share this one!


The episode is 90 minutes or so. Sign up for the next Commercial Directing Bootcamp in Los Angeles, March 11th, 2017. That’s a Saturday immersed in the process.

My merch page is live, so get yourself the exact t-shirt Helen wears in the booth. Or buy an overpriced coffee travel mug to support the show.