Shooting Actors Versus Table Top Photography With Cinematographer Jeanne Vienne.


Cinematographer Jeanne Vienne is a longtime filmmaking partner. We’ve made literally dozens of commercials, two documentaries and traveled three continents together. I admire how she leads her crew with decisiveness and articulate instruction. Jeanne tells how she lights to protect the actors.

Of late, she’s been shooting mouth-watering table top gigs, so we compare working with fruits and veggies versus actors. We also chat about the trends in cinematography we’ve seen over our years together. And with all the talk about gender inequality in the biz, I could not escape asking how it is being a girl in a predominantly boy’s club.

We reference this fun spot we did for Toyota, and click here to witness Jeanne’s amazing table top spot she shot for Håagen-Dazs with Directors Margaret & Joy.

Do try Rufus Teague’s sauces for your meat. With BBQ season here, it’s time you step it up. Click and enter the discount code “Respect”.
Enjoy. I look forward to your feedback on iTunes, (which is where you are now). Or heck, just email me at RespectTheProcessPodcast today.

Thank you,


This episode is a about 70 minutes. Do rate us on iTunes and “like” us on Facebook please.